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Brian D. Johnston, MD, MPH

General Pediatrics
Professional Bio

Leadership Roles

Chief of Service, Department of Pediatrics | Harborview Medical Center;
Associate Chief of Clinical Services, Division of General Pediatrics;
Professor of Pediatrics | University of Washington

Clinical, Research and/or Teaching Responsibilities

Dr. Johnston's academic interests include implementation of injury prevention programs in community settings and studies of the complex relationships between injury prevention, individual health and community well being. He is involved in planning pediatric trauma care and injury control interventions at the local and regional level. Dr. Johnston teaches medical students and residents in clinical pediatric rotations, oversees the required burn and trauma rotations for pediatric residents and directs the residency programs pathways in global health and community pediatrics & advocacy. He lectures routinely on strategies to bring evidence-based injury prevention into child fatality review and other public health processes. He edits the BMJ journal Injury Prevention.