Program Leadership

The WWAMI Program leadership is located at Seattle Children's Hospital in Seattle, WA. The program is directed and supported by the WWAMI leadership.

The Pediatric WWAMI Leadership includes:

  • WWAMI Program Director: Dr. Richard Shugerman
    WWAMI Program overall management concerns should be directed to Dr. Richard Shugerman.
  • Medical Student Program Director: Rebekah Burns
    Medical Student concerns should be directed to Dr. Rebekah Burns.
  • Residency Program Director: Dr. Troy Johnston
    Resident concerns should be directed to Dr. Troy Jonhnston.

Should you have any concerns about any aspect of the WWAMI Program, contact the WWAMI Program Leadership.

Administrative Contacts

Direct questions regarding the following to My Linh Nguyen.

  • Resident rotations, credentialing, website information and resident site expansion
  • Visiting professor program
  • Clinical faculty, appointments, and promotions
  • WRITE program

Direct questions regarding the following to

  • WWAMI Program administration
  • Medical Student Program, credentialing, medical student website information and student site expansion
  • LIC program